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Frequently asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How to book a flight with Travel Unravel Holidays?

When you book a flight to the destination that you desire for is a short and simple process. Visit and use filter your results to find the best results for your flights on the dates you plan to travel. In case there an issue in searching flights to your destination or have any further queries for bookings, you can reach out to our travel experts for assistance on 0203 588 8444

How will I know if my booking is confirmed?

Once we confirm your booking on our end, you will receive an e-mail with complete details within 4 hours. In case, if you do not find or receive the confirmation mail, please contact us on 0203 588 8444 or email to us on

Will there be any additional charges for making a flight booking on my phone?

No. Travel Unravel has no policy to charge extra to book over the phone.

I did not receive my tickets as of now. How can I get the tickets as soon as possible?

The mode that you select for the delivery of tickets decides on the time taken for the tickets to get delivered. In case you selected e-ticket then you will receive your tickets from the airline desk at the airport. Here you are required to show all the necessary documents along with confirmation mail in print.

What's the process to get an e-Ticket?

You can opt to receive an e-ticket while booking your flight with Travel Unravel and you will receive as soon as possible over your email. E-Ticket is an effective and secure mode of booking in terms of it being misplaced, torn or lost.

Where will I find information regarding the terminal and airline details of my booking?

The necessary details of your terminal are available on your confirmation e-mail. It also includes details regarding the air carrier, seat number and departure time. And if you find an issue, please reach out to us with the reference number of your booking.

How to transfer my tickets to someone else?

Name change on a flight ticket is not possible. But you can cancel your particular ticket and book a fresh one on the respective person’s name. This new ticket will bear the new name.

Define the age criteria for Infants and Children?

Infants: 0-1 years during the period of travel.
Children: 2-11 years during the period of travel.
Please Note: Infants do not get a seat and have to travel on an adult's lap.

How to reconfirm my flight status?

You may contact the airline directly 72-hours before departure to reconfirm your flight status.

What documents are required to receive tickets at the airport?

You are required to be present at the airport with an official form of Identification i.e. Driving License, Passport etc. With that, you must carry a printout of your booking confirmation.

What are the modes of payment methods used for charging the ticket booking amount?

We charge the flight booking through:

  • Credit/Debit card payment
  • Bank transfer
  • Card payment through the e-pay link
How will know if I have been charged for meals?

If you request a meal and give your meal preferences while making a booking with Travel Unravel then all the details of the same will be mentioned at the confirmation on the confirmation email you receive from us.